LB Water Holds Training Seminar for York Water Company
December 08, 2016
As part of its ongoing commitment to educational training for its customers, and in partnership with waterworks-tool company Reed Manufacturing of Erie, Selinsgrove-based LB Water held a waterworks training day at the York Water Company on December 8, 2016.
The LB Water training featured product demonstrations and opportunities for hands-on learning about proper product applications and included specifications for and installation of ductile pipe, mechanical-joint fittings, couplings and repair couplings. LB Water presenters, representing the company’s Chambersburg and Selinsgrove locations, included Nate Elliott, Walt VanNuys and Ben Reichley.
Tom Fess of Reed Manufacturing presented various new waterworks tools and demonstrated pipe tapping with assistance from the program’s attendees.
“At LB Water, we pride ourselves in having the knowledge and experience to hold these training seminars,” said Walt VanNuys, who has 44 years of industry experience. “The classes review basic fundamentals and also introduce new technology and techniques to the waterworks industry.”