Product and Application Training

The success of your job depends not only on the quality of the materials you use but also on your knowledge of those products and how to prepare and install them properly in the field.
At LB Water, we don’t just sell waterworks products. We’re experts in their applications. We offer our customers value-added services that include helping you choose the right materials for your job and training you and your team in what you need to know to ensure your solutions perform the way you expect them to.
Customer Training
We have learned that only 1% of what at first may appear to be a product failure is actually the result of a problem with a product.
- In 95% of these cases, an individual chose the wrong product for the application
- In 4% of these cases, a contractor didn’t install the materials properly
A Proactive Approach to Preventing Problems
At LB Water, we take a proactive approach to help prevent issues for our customers. First, an LB Water product specialist will help you prepare your order. Then, we’ll provide product and application training. We also offer training to introduce new products to our customers.
Training topics include:
- Ductile Iron Pipe Push-On Joint Installation
- Metering System Applications
- Mechanical Joint Assembly
- Installation Procedures for PVC Pipe
- Lubrication of Sewer Pipe & Fittings
- Inflow and Infiltration (performed by our affiliated company, 540 Technologies)
- Leak Detection (performed by our affiliated company, 540 Technologies)
Cooperative Industry Training
LB Water also partners with and participates in professional industry associations such as the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association(PRWA), the Maryland Rural Water Association (MRWA), and other industry groups to provide cooperative training for members of the waterworks industry.
Train the Trainers
LB Water has exceptional relationships with its vendors and holds summits, open houses, anddemonstrations to ensure two-way learning about new products and our customers’ in-the-field experiences.